EPA608 Universal Certification 2024
Event Details
For More Information:

Dayton, Ohio 45439 (937) 293-1170
HVAC EPA 608 Certification Review & Exam
The Federal Clean Air Act, Section 608, requires that persons who service air conditioning and refrigeration systems containing certain regulated refrigerants be certified under an approved Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) course. Through the ESCO Institute, Chadwell Supply is able to offer this Universal Certification. Only certified technicians may purchase any regulated refrigerants or precharged parts with a regulated refrigerant from Chadwell Supply or other HVAC suppliers.
Study prior to the exam is critical to passing the exam. Study materials and practice tests will be made available after registration. Please be sure any attendee(s) registered for these classes receive and study these materials prior to the class.
Seating is limited so register early!
“No cancellations or refunds accepted within 5 days of the course/event. No-shows will be billed” This policy is in effect unless the public health situation dictates otherwise. If the event has to be postponed or canceled a credit will be issued and applied to the next attended event or seminar.